I wish there was a way we could bill an 80-year-old retired Mike Kreidler invoices that far exceed his budgeted Social Security intake for his homeowners and car insurance premiums.
Presently our warped insurance commissioner doesn’t understand or care regarding the dilemma he has placed on low-income seniors with fixed incomes by removing good-credit discounts. Perhaps before Mike Kreidler carelessly makes life-altering decisions he doesn’t fully understand, he needs to taste the tainted fruits of his own hands. Maybe an 80-year-old being forced to get a job to afford his own insurance, to cover those who refuse to pay their bills, just might help rattle his cage.
Right now after 20-some years in office, he just doesn’t seem to get it. If he refuses to fix the problem he alone has now created, we have the power to rid ourselves of the Kreidler problem in the 2024 election.