“Religion a choice” asserts folks against abortion hold that opinion based on religious belief (Our Readers’ Views, Dec. 28). Does the writer think the woman who threw her own kids off an eight-story garage in Boston to their deaths is only wrong to a religious person? The vast majority of people (religious or not) would consider it wrong.
That woman’s children are dead, and for each abortion there is a dead descendant also. Each is a human though they are in different stages of development. Legally we consider the death of a child no different than the death of an adult, so not dependent on stage of development — except for the unborn, which can be killed at will. It would also be scientifically incorrect to say the unborn are not human. The children unborn or born would (most often) reach maturity in these examples if their lives we not intentionally ended.
For scientific reasons and regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof, many people in the USA and around the world are opposed to abortion based the personal belief it is wrong to intentionally kill another person for reasons other than self-defense, no matter how you achieve that death, including abortion.