According to the Congressional Record, Republicans have again been caught lying to the American people. It’s not just President Donald Trump who can’t seem to stop lying, but this time Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Vice President Mike Pence. According to the record, Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., after the funding bill failed to pass, rose to request a vote on a bill that would have kept on paying our troops.
McConnell would not allow it to be up for a vote. Then Pence lied to a group of our troops by telling them that it was the Democrats who did not care if they were not paid. In addition to McCaskill, two other Democratic senators rose to ask for votes to extend the deadline for the shutdown — one for a least a day, and the other for more time. Again McConnell blocked the vote, and then he had the nerve to blame the Democrats.
A Democracy depends upon the truth to be viable. Sadly those in power are not wise enough to understand that or, in fact, they care more about being in power than they care for a democracy. Daily, it seems, they violate their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
But what can you expect of liars?