I am so tired of the liberal Dems’ plot to discredit President Trump by having the media constantly tell negative “fake news,” twisting the truth, and even buying protesters to cause trouble. Shame on them!
The truth is: people are hiring (the national unemployment rate is 4.1 percent), construction is booming (count the apartments), houses are selling (Realtors are begging for more to sell), consumer confidence is up, the Gross Domestic Product growth rate is 3.2 percent, stock markets are up dramatically, onerous restrictions on businesses are being lowered, some businesses are giving bonuses and raising wages. We have a future here, but the media is still cranking out character assassinations on Trump and others in order to fool the public into voting them out.
Use your brains, people. Don’t listen to junk — look around. Don’t prejudge the tax bill or any action until you get facts, hard to come by but available. Write to your Congress people and tell them to do good and stop the childish fighting. Our country is worth supporting.