We live in the Helen’s View development, ZIP code 98642, Ridgefield. We vote and pay taxes for Ridgefield’s schools and port, shop in town and felt like community members.
Ridgefield’s city council and its “community development” department partnered with an East Coast investment firm. They’ve made it clear we are not members of its community and an out-of-state corporation means more than local residents.
Ridgefield annexed one lot of 103 acres (of 27) of Helen’s View; did not provide notice or information to residents; ignored a county-approved CC&R amendment restricting lot sizes to .73 acre (about 75 homes for that lot); claimed CC&Rs are a private matter; created a development agreement allowing six residential units per acre benefiting that corporation; and stopped a working single mother with two toddlers from selling her home.
Ridgefield annexed the Brown property, doing the same to residents near it; Vancouver also did the same to residents of Green Meadows. Annexations of unincorporated county areas have no oversight and are out of control. The lives and property of residents are adversely impacted by cities. We the unincorporated and anxious residents are under jurisdiction of the Board of County Councilors, but they say there’s little they can do.
Hey governments, do things for us, not to us!