The president and Congress hot-foot it out of Washington, D.C. Apparently they couldn’t stand the smell of what they had just created. A $1.1 trillion budget, dripping with fat. Clearly the lobbyists have been very busy little Grinches. Santa really delivered for corporations and special interest groups. To make this deal happen, Democrats and Republicans took turns upping the ante with partisan pork, each piling more debt on taxpayers and our children.
What do ordinary Americans get? Well, we were on the cusp of energy independence. Forget about it, now Big Oil gets to sell America’s crude to the highest bidder on the world market. Food, we no longer get to know the country of origin of meat we purchase. Just for jobless Americans, a 400 percent increase in visas for foreign workers and the president’s executive amnesty program is fully funded. At 2,000 pages, we will never know all the wonderful things they have done for us.