About 300 million Americans have insurance and about 30 million don’t, either by choice or due to some level of dysfunctionalism resulting in their reliance on charities or government programs. Some perhaps were gamblers who had to pay on their gambling debt with (probably limited) assets. Under Obamacare, the gamblers and the dysfunctional dependent on charity, are expected to go online, choose a policy, pay for it, or be fined. How stupid can liberal Democrats be? The healthy young are already gambling again, the dysfunctional never could and never will pay, still requiring charity.
Obamacare saddles us with tens of thousands of new federal employees, an IRS enforcing a 2,000-page balderdash law that Congress exempted themselves from, and it ruins a health care system that has been the envy of the world. Ignorant drones would vote to trash the entire free enterprise system for a free package of contraceptives, and support anything else they foolishly believe is “free.” Where are all the cruelly abandoned ill that we’re supposedly trying to save?
John Cannon