I’ve seen them in the halls and classrooms. I’ve seen them at recess but rarely at extracurricular events. They are the kids in pain. They are alone. They cannot interact with peers and are bullied mercilessly. The inner pain is severe and unbearable. They wait for parents or teachers to save them from the anguish, social isolation, and loneliness of their lives.
Years go by. School counselors are cut due to our inability/unwillingness to support our children. Funded mental health services are rare or non-existent. Finally, after years of psychological and emotional isolation, for a rare minority of these kids/young adults, something snaps. All the pain rushes up from their inner memories to power revenge and relief.
For the past few days I have been seeing the beautiful children of all my schools over my 40-year career, and have wept for those lovely kids, teachers and administrators killed at Sandy Hook. I weep for Adam Lanza, the cause and victim of so much unbearable heartache. I weep for my country and my community who readily spend more on cosmetics and gambling than on mental health services. Until this is addressed there will be more Adams suffering alone. Until we commit whatever it takes to our most valuable resource, our children, more Adams are inevitable.
Anthony P. Teso