November 16, 2015, 5:59am Business
For thousands of people across the country who thought they'd never qualify for a mortgage to buy a home, next month could be a key turning point. Read story
November 15, 2015, 6:05am Business
Dear Mr. Berko: We heard you speak in Gainesville, Fla., last August. One of your comments was that you believed the Dow Jones industrial average will reach between 23,000 and 25,000 by 2020. How can you believe this? Don't you listen to what expert economists are telling us? The Dow… Read story
November 15, 2015, 6:02am Business
Quite a few years ago, after a long night and day running the Hood to Coast Relay, I piled into a van for the drive back home from the Oregon Coast. Famished, we rolled into a restaurant on Highway 26. Read story
November 14, 2015, 5:59am Business
Dear Mr. Berko: We just sold our home and have $110,000 to invest for a few years. We want quick access and low risk. Is there any way we can get 4 percent with little risk? What bond funds would you recommend? Read story
November 13, 2015, 5:59am Business
As part of a regular series, I've been inviting readers to share their family financial feuds. In turn, I offer my perspective and suggest a solution. Read story
November 11, 2015, 5:55am Business
The government has introduced a retirement savings plan akin to a bike with training wheels. This starter account, called "myRA," is meant to get millions of people into the habit of saving for their senior years. Read story
November 10, 2015, 5:59am Business
Today, many elected officials are fixated on tearing down coal-fired power plants and replacing them with solar and wind farms. But that isn't practical, because when there is no wind or sunlight, those plants produce no electricity. Read story
November 9, 2015, 6:01am Columnists
Whether you're a homebuyer, seller or looking to refinance, you probably know the crucial importance of appraisals: They can limit the amount of mortgage money you're allowed to borrow, delay your closing or even totally mess up what you thought was a done deal. Read story
November 8, 2015, 5:55am Business
Dear Mr. Berko: I'm 57 and have $129,000 in cash in my IRA. My broker suggested that I invest in five different $25,000 pieces of A-rated corporate bonds with 20-year maturities that would yield 4.0 percent. He said he won't add a commission on the price I pay for these… Read story
November 7, 2015, 5:55am Business
Dear Mr. Berko: The Chinese market has collapsed. And, as you have commented, the best time to buy stocks is when there's blood on the streets. I don't want to buy individual Chinese stocks and would appreciate your recommendation of several Chinese closed-end funds. I have $17,000 to invest in… Read story