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Friday,  September 27 , 2024

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News / Clark County News

What should Woodland look like in 20 years? City wants to know.

By The Daily News
Published: September 27, 2024, 8:23am

LONGVIEW — Woodland is updating its comprehensive plan, and staff are asking for feedback to know what residents want to see from their city.

The update, which is required by state law to be competed by Dec. 31, 2025, will address new state laws, county policies and zoning, as well as housing and climate planning.

Woodland is the only city to fully plan under the state’s Growth Management Act in Cowlitz County because it is partially located in Clark County.

State law requires 18 fast-growing counties — including Clark — and the cities within them to fully plan under the Growth Management Act. Those counties and cities use state population projections to determine where growth in the next 20 years should occur and designate an urban growth area that sufficiently accommodates it.

Woodland leaders have launched an online survey seeking feedback on goals, as well as asking what residents think makes the city great today, what changes they’ve seen recently (good or bad) and what they think would improve Woodland in two decades.

The direct link is at www.ci.woodland.wa.us/commdev/page/comprehensive-plan-2025-survey.
