When he first appeared to be running in 2016, Trump did not show any sign of intelligence. Defending his loss in 2020, the rhetoric of his public speeches dropped into fabrication and lies. Those were exposed when Liz Cheney, a member of Trump’s own party, ripped into him and accomplices. He led an insurrection against the nation he wishes to lead, committed numerous people and had many sent to jail for their crimes. All the while bleating about the corrupt legal system and the Constitution he violated.
Bolstered by these obvious crimes and convictions, Trump now wishes to change the discourse and has apparently decided to court artificial intelligence to compensate for his total lack of form or rationality. During the debate he made no sense or displayed any form of coherence as his opponent eviscerated him like a fish on a slab.
As a debate, it was not even close. It was a sad and weird display of infantile petulance from the whining-est political candidate we have ever put up for the highest office we can offer.