Eleanor Lynch’s letter (“Perez doesn’t support veterans,” Our Readers’ Views, Aug. 3) is misleading as it omits crucial information.
Lynch is referring to the 2023 U.S. House bill H.R. 4366, the annual National Defense Authorization Act. Right-wing Republicans in the House inserted poison-pill amendments into the bill, including one that placed restrictions on the health care that veterans and active duty members of our military may receive. All but four Democrats and even four Republicans voted against the bill on the grounds that all members of our military have the right to receive comprehensive medical care. A vote against the bill was in fact a vote to fully support members of the military.
To claim that the votes of Perez, other Democrats and four Republicans against H.R. 4366 shows they do not support our veterans is nonsense. Our son served 14 years as a U.S. Navy pilot, so we understand the sacrifices that military service demands. Restrictions on health care should not be one of them.