Reading Randolph A. Cate’s letter (“Bridge proposal is not scary,” Our Readers’ Views, Aug. 27) brings back memories of a comedy trio called The Three Stooges. It looks to me like Joe Kent (Curly Joe), Brad Benton (mindless Moe) and John Ley (brainless Larry) are the perfect team to become the newest version of a trio of bunglers who can’t accomplish anything except chaos.
Any replacement Interstate 5 Bridge must accommodate all forms of transportation, including light rail and pedestrian and bicycle traffic. I have traveled extensively in my 81 years and have found that in most cities of any size, rail service either above or below ground is used extensively.
Also, tolls are used on bridges and highways from Florida to Mexico and even in Greece. Take a short trip into the Columbia River Gorge and try to cross the Bridge of the Gods or the Hood River Bridge and see if you can do it toll free.
Get your heads out of the sand and realize progress will happen with you or without you. Vote blue and don’t be afraid of the scare tactics tried by Curly Joe, Moe and Larry.