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Sunday,  September 15 , 2024

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Weather Eye: Another heat wave is heading Clark County’s way

By Patrick Timm, Columbian freelance columnist
Published: September 3, 2024, 6:00am

Whoa! I mentioned that Sept. 1 was the beginning of the meteorological fall season but nature throws a curveball and will make a huge statement this week that summer still reigns. After marine clouds and scattered drizzle Monday, today we begin to clear and warm up past our seasonal high of 79 degrees.

A strong ridge moves in on Wednesday and we jump into the low 90s and with east winds, Thursday and Friday will be around 100 degrees. The weekend will cool but highs will linger around 90 degrees. A possible five-day heat wave — again.

The hot temperatures will outnumber the three-day streak we had last week from Thursday through Saturday with highs in the 90s. Saturday Vancouver peaked at 98 degrees. I know plenty of you probably saw your outdoor patio thermometer reach or surpass 100 degrees. It was plain hot. A dry heat Thursday and Friday but much more humid on Saturday.

There were many people that snapped pictures Sunday evening at sunset as we had several various cloud types including alto cumulus and as the sun lowered the sun rays gaping through the clouds was nothing short of spectacular. We call these crepuscular rays, and we usually see these around sunset or sunrise. With the lower angle of the sun now, more light can get scattered. It derives from the Latin word crepusculum meaning twilight or the period right before the sun sets or rises.

Looking back to August here in Vancouver we had .69 of an inch of rain, .17 of an inch above average. Our average mean temperature was 70.3 degrees, shy of 1 degree above normal. The warmest day was 98 degrees on Aug. 31 and the coolest low was 47 degrees on Aug. 28. We had six 90-degree days, 12 80-degree days, 12 70-degree days and one day in the 60s.

Our normal high temperature is now below 80 degrees at 79 degrees. With hot temperatures only hours away, what are the record highs for Thursday, Friday and Saturday? Thursday’s high was 95 degrees in 2003, Friday’s 102 degrees in 1944 and Saturday’s 99 degrees in 1958. I’m sure we will break Thursday’s high temperature record at least.

There may be cooler and damp weather on the horizon if some weather charts come to fruition. Take good care.

Columbian freelance columnist