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Thursday,  October 3 , 2024

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News / Clark County News

Weather Eye: Fair weather expected to give way to some rainfall

By Patrick Timm, Columbian freelance columnist
Published: October 3, 2024, 6:01am

October is off to a pleasant beginning with mostly clear skies, sunshine and above-average temperatures. Can it get any better than that? Tuesday’s high temperature in Vancouver was officially 79 degrees, far from record territory but 9 degrees above the normal high of 70 degrees. Wednesday was expected to be closer to average with a cooler air mass over us after a weak weather system moved through late Tuesday night.

Fair weather and sunshine are expected today with highs in the mid-70s as a slight offshore flow keeps the marine air at bay. The average high for today is 69 degrees and the downward trend continues the remaining days of October with the average high on Halloween at only 58 degrees. Time for autumn apparel for sure by then.

The weak weather system expected to cross our area Friday appears to be holding together better than what it looked like earlier in the week, and I expect Clark County gets at least a tenth of an inch upward to a quarter-inch or more in our foothills. Not a soaking but another opportunity to dampen things down a bit and spare your efforts watering your outdoor plants and garden. September rainfall in Vancouver totaled only .72 of an inch, which was nearly half the average of 1.43 inches.

The September average mean temperature was 2 degrees above normal so chalk up another warm and dry month. Noteworthy, the rainfall last month was close to the .69 of an inch recorded in August. One more light shower in August would have surpassed September’s meager total.

Earlier the outlook for October called for near normal rainfall teetering on a little above average, according to officials. That has been updated and now October is forecast to be drier than normal and warmer than average. We’ll see about that. The weather plays out its own game despite the efforts of supercomputers.

I have received many photos of our autumn weather predictor, the woolly bear caterpillar. Thanks for your emails. The overall consensus forebodes a normal to mild winter — so far. We’ll keep sampling more of the curious critters.

Enjoy sunshine today before gray skies and rain appear Friday. I think the rains will be over in time for the Friday night football games.

Columbian freelance columnist