Regarding the letter “Power line plan raises questions,” (Our Readers’ Views, Nov. 14), there are several alarming misstatements of fact that we request be corrected.
First, on the suggestion that the proposed transmission line is “duplicative and wasteful,” the proposed line is required to support the delivery of electricity because existing lines in the area can’t deliver the projected amount of power needed by Pacific Power customers.
On the assertion that the proposed line would “cross over 37 homes and structures,” this is simply not true. The new line will not cross over any homes, and in any area where it might be in close proximity to a home, we will work with landowners to ensure all safety parameters are met. It’s also untrue that there will be a need to “tear up homes.” Again, the line doesn’t cross over any homes.
Finally, there is an allegation that our generating facility at Swift Dam is not in compliance with environmental regulations. This is also untrue. Our dam operations are currently in full compliance with state and federal regulations.
These false statements amount to misinformation that could be harmful to the company’s reputation.