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Weather Eye: Expect partly cloudy, cooler next seven days

By Patrick Timm, Columbian freelance columnist
Published: May 16, 2024, 6:00am

Late afternoon temperatures Wednesday were hovering in the low 80s in most areas of Clark County. Officially in Vancouver the thermometer reached 82 degrees. Feels like summer again, doesn’t it? It was also our eighth day without measurable rain. If you like it cooler and I’m sure those newly transplanted plants in your garden do, I have good news.

We talked the other day about things cooling off as the warm ridge of high pressure is backing off well to the west and will allow a cooler air flow from the Gulf of Alaska. The main storm track which is weakening this time of the year will remain through southern British Columbia.

If any moisture were to fall as far south as our local area, it would be minuscule and not do much to keep the lawn and garden from getting thirsty. It is possible for the next seven days on occasion as disturbances pass by to our north to feel a few sprinkles or drizzle, but most days will be only partly cloudy and cooler. Lots of sunshine at times as well so no worries there.

On Saturday the annual Parade of Bands is occurring in Hazel Dell, and you know I have been saying in my column for over 30 years it hardly ever rains on this parade. Now I have been there when we have had morning clouds and afternoon sunshine and felt a brief rain drop or drizzle but nothing to wet the streets and pull out the umbrella. Most of the time, folks are using an umbrella to keep the warm sun away.

OK, so what are the odds this Saturday? I will say it will be ideal for the event, morning clouds but no rain is on the way. Perfect for those marching in the band with temperatures in the low 60s. Another success so strike up the bands!

Working in the backyard on Wednesday, I noticed an open ant hill. The old saying goes if it is open, fair weather will abound and if it is closed, rain is on the way. One of my weather forecasting secrets. Take good care and enjoy the day.

Columbian freelance columnist