In reply to Mr. Molenaar’s concern about Washington’s energy policy (“Fight against climate is costly,” Our Readers’ Views, May 1), let’s compare gas prices in Washington with those in Oregon: $4.69 vs. $4.45, not the dollar per gallon claimed by Mr. Molenaar.
China, for example, is outperforming the U.S. in a transition to clean energy, on track to instal 1,200 gigawatts (equal to 1,000 nuclear plants), five years ahead of schedule.
Molenaar asks about Gov. Jay Inslee’s climate policy: “Does he think 6 million Washingtonians can change anything, while 3 billion people (India and China, the largest polluters on the planet) pollute all they want?” No, they don’t, but many in the U.S. would like to.
Every tenth of a degree of global warming matters. What Washington does matters. We need all the help we can get, and free-riders (those who wait for others to act) do us no favors.