Whale of a problem: My husband, Stephen Irvin, passed away on Feb. 25. I have been unable to obtain his death certificate. Consequently, he cannot be cremated. Nor can I fulfill multiple forms which require a death certificate.
Washington State Department of Health implemented a new electronic program and it is the only option for a doctor to electronically sign to acknowledge Steve passing away. Neither his oncologist at OHSU nor his cardiologist at Vancouver Clinic have been enrolled yet due to a huge backlog. Meantime, my life is on hold. I had his memorial service with an empty urn with approximately 250 friends and family attending.
I’ve left messages with my local state representative. I’ve made dozens of phone calls to Washington Department of Health and the funeral home and all hands seem to be tied. The new program is titled WHALES and it is a whale of a problem. I’m sure I can’t be the only widow experiencing this nightmare. It seems obvious that an alternate option for documentation be allowed temporarily and immediately.