Diesel exhaust from school buses greatly contributes to air pollution in the buses and near schools, increasing rates of childhood asthma and other health problems. Electric school buses are a turnkey solution, and there is a bill (HB 1368) in the Legislature right now that would help get them into our schools.
As a concerned mother and PTA member, I believe we must pass the 100 Percent Clean School Buses bill to protect our kids from air pollution — especially with their still-developing lungs. Did you know that the air pollution inside a diesel bus can be four to 12 times higher than outside? Riding to school in a safe, healthy environment shouldn’t be a privilege — all kids deserve to have clean air.
Diesel exhaust has been shown to cause numerous health problems, including cancer, asthma and bronchitis. And, of course, diesel exhaust is a pollutant that contributes to the climate crisis.
Zero-emission school buses provide a cleaner, healthier way for kids to get to school. Dozens of doctors, nurses and school administrators have also made their voices heard by signing onto letters in support of HB 1368. Let’s pass this.