The story comparing modes of travel to Seattle was great (“Plane, train or automobile,” The Columbian, Feb. 24). But I think most people who have ever traversed the dreaded corridor through Olympia, Fort Lewis, Tacoma and south King County on a weekday would tell you that the car travel time of three hours was miraculous.
Fort Lewis’ free form rush hour must have been asleep when the car driver traveled. It was also great to put in the costs, although wear and tear on the car was not included. Also, most cars would not have gotten 45 miles per gallon.
The plane would never be anyone’s first choice for so many reasons, but Craig sure seemed to be lucky in terms of getting through security close to his departure time. Most air travelers would not have cut it quite that close, even for a short commuter flight like that one.
The train should have emerged as the all-around winner: Decent time, relatively inexpensive, relatively green (carbon wise) and certainly the most relaxing way to go.
We should be investing in improving our rail corridor between Eugene and Vancouver, British Columbia, so more people could enjoy the ride and get some reading or work done while on the go.