Regarding Nolan Finley’s column (“Give us hope, not fear,” The Columbian, June 22), first the positive: Yes, in your Editorial Board interviews, please ask what they plan to do in the future vs. covering a horse race or just talking about the other side. But the column seems to be written by a grumpy old man himself who can’t tell the difference between the two sides yet.
Differences: Returning the economic balance between the average American and the ultra-wealthy; affordable health care for all; a woman’s and a family’s right to choose vs. carrying a baby to term, no matter how you got pregnant, how young you are, or what damage it will do to your body or life; voting rights vs. denying free and fair elections; accepting the Constitution vs. dictator on Day One; supporting NATO vs. Putin “do whatever you want” to our allies and Ukraine; Jan. 6 insurrection.
One side needs to be feared.
But perhaps Mr. Finley is like the editorial writers of the Wall Street Journal, who don’t pay attention to the relatively well-written coverage of the news in their own newspaper.