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News / Clark County News

Weather Eye: Warm-cooler pattern will continue throughout week

By Patrick Timm, Columbian freelance columnist
Published: June 25, 2024, 6:01am

A great start to summer with high temperatures up and down for everyone’s pleasure. Friday Vancouver had 91 degrees, the warmest so far this year and with Sunday’s cold front passage, only 71 degrees for a high temperature. That will be the same forecast as the week wears on and we slip into July.

A warmer air mass brings us into the 80s today and back to cooling on Wednesday with mid-70s with yet another cool trough of low pressure heading our way. Shower or drizzle chances increase Thursday and again on Sunday. Once again, I doubt the official rain gauge for Vancouver receives much of anything. At best the county could be slightly damp those two days but under a tenth of an inch. And remember, the rain chances remain low so I would look for cloudier weather and perhaps some moisture in the air Thursday and Sunday.

I don’t see any soaking rain so we will remain in summer mode for the lawn and garden watering aspect. The jet stream remains to our north in southern British Columbia, and we get the occasional tail ends of any trailing cold fronts.

Looking to the future, some forecast charts suggest we get a warming trend early next week and we go back to 90-degree weather. A roller coaster summer in progress. The weather quite often heats up after the Fourth, as most of you know. Meanwhile, sail along with me as we ride the summer waves.

Skies were so clear on Monday all the Cascade volcanoes were on brilliant display. They are looking a little different now as they slowly shed their mantle of white allowing for the deep purple and gray hues to illuminate in the distance. One reason why we live here, right? The beautiful views and of course the placid summers we enjoy.

Vancouver is now running behind on the monthly rainfall as we say goodbye to June and prepare to welcome July. We have recorded three highs of 90 degrees or better so far this year while last year at this time we had six 90-degree days in the books and 14 days in the 80s. Only nine days of 80 degrees this year.

Get out and enjoy the summer weather today. It will be splendid.

Columbian freelance columnist