Bob Waber’s letter (“Do away with student meals,” Our Readers’ Views, June 14) addressing the idea that hungry children in Clark County have only their parents to blame suggests a disregard for the reality of why our culture has arrived at this point: thousands of hungry children in Clark County.
An explanation for this obscenity cannot be provided in a letter limited to 200 words. Bob’s sources for data explaining this travesty are “I guess,” “supposedly,” “terribly old fashioned,” and “in times past.”
I wholeheartedly agree with his statement, “Many of us wonder how this kind of madness could take place.” Well, here is a recommendation to Bob and others who want to have better sources of data: spend time volunteering to help feed hungry children at schools, churches and other venues. Establish relationships with kids, parents and organizers and ask your questions. You will receive answers that will make you uncomfortable and that will make you think. The complexities that many children and families face are tremendously unfathomable.
Finally, there seems to be minimal concern about “paying off the federal credit card” when it comes to buying one F-16 fighter that can cost $63 million per unit. So, it clearly comes down to priorities.