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News / Opinion / Letters to the Editor

Letter: What is value of bump stocks?

By Claude Foutch, VANCOUVER
Published: June 18, 2024, 6:00am

Mr. Thomas, heretofore known as Justice Thomas of our Supreme Court, has voted to overturn the Trump administration ruling on the use of bump stocks on semiautomatic rifles.

What is their value? They can be used to murder innocent kids in any classroom in America or again at places like Las Vegas, where the killer counted over 45 adults dead and more than 80 wounded.

How about we ordinary deer hunters? What value is a bump stock attached to an AR-15 military rifle? I always used a single-shot .30 Remington to get my venison. A bump stock trigger permits a full magazine of five or more bullets in five seconds or less.

I quit hunting years ago after my Army service because I had to carry an M3 submachine gun similar to the AR-15, and I was trained in using it to protect wounded troops on the battlefield while I attended to their medical needs. I spent almost five years in service to our country as a protector of all citizens, now to live in a nation that is so politically sick that we exalt the Second Amendment over our children.

God help America, we are in deep trouble.

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