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Who needs skin cancer screening? Those with family history, light eyes, light hair who sunburn easily

Each year, more than 6 million adults in U.S. are treated for skin cancer

By Jason Howland, Mayo Clinic News Network
Published: June 4, 2024, 5:58am

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Each year, more than 6 million adults are treated for skin cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr. Collin Costello, a Mayo Clinic dermatologist, said anyone can get skin cancer, but some people are at higher risk. So how often should you be screened?

A skin check by a dermatologist usually takes only a few minutes, but that short time spent in the doctor’s office could add years to your life if skin cancer is detected early.

“I think one of the big things with screening is, because there aren’t really rigorously set national guidelines, that we really look to risk factors to help guide who needs to be screened and how frequently,” Costello said.

He said it’s important that everyone is familiar with their skin. And you should see a health care professional if you notice any changes, like suspicious moles or spots. But for anyone who is at higher risk, an annual skin exam by a dermatologist is a good idea.

“People with personal and family history of melanoma and then personal history of nonmelanoma skin cancers, people over the age of 65, particularly people that burn easily, you know, get sunburned easily as well as have light-colored eyes and light-colored hair — those are the people that are going to benefit the most from the skin cancer screening,” Costello said.
