Are you enjoying the cooler weather? I know I am, and it should remain quite pleasant the remainder of the week into the weekend with highs 78-85 degrees around the county; cooler in rural areas. I don’t see 90-degree weather this week and maybe into the first few days of August.
Did you see the lightning and hear the thunder early Sunday morning? This disturbance moved up from the south similar to last week’s event but was a bit stronger than forecast models indicated. Some of you had a little rain as well, breaking our long dry spell. I heard from many observers around the county and most received a couple hundredths of an inch upward to a tenth of an inch, and others nothing at all.
A good influx of marine air followed and kept our high Sunday around 80 degrees. The low clouds hung around well into Monday and as I wrote this column around 4 p.m. it was only in the mid-70s. Two days now with below-average high temperatures. Near normal highs are on tap, as I mentioned, the rest of the week.
While we cooled down, record-breaking heat covered Eastern Washington on Sunday. Spokane reached 107 degrees, breaking the old record of 103 degrees in 1905. Omak and Ephrata also recorded highs of 107 degrees.