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Kids Online Safety Act could see vote this month

Measure appears to have adequate bipartisan support

By Associated Press
Published: July 21, 2024, 4:49pm
2 Photos
Students work on a laptop computer at Stonewall Elementary in Lexington, Ky., on Feb. 6, 2023. A bill aiming to protect children from the harms of social media, gaming sites and other online platforms appears to have enough bipartisan support to pass. (Timothy D.
Students work on a laptop computer at Stonewall Elementary in Lexington, Ky., on Feb. 6, 2023. A bill aiming to protect children from the harms of social media, gaming sites and other online platforms appears to have enough bipartisan support to pass. (Timothy D. Easley/Associated Press files) Photo Gallery

The last time Congress passed a law to protect children on the internet was in 1998 — before Facebook, before the iPhone and long before today’s oldest teenagers were born. Now, a bill aiming to protect kids from the harms of social media, gaming sites and other online platforms appears to have enough bipartisan support to pass.

Supporters hope it will come to a vote this month.

Proponents of the Kids Online Safety Act include parents’ groups and children’s advocacy organizations as well as companies like Microsoft, X and Snap. They say the bill is a necessary first step in regulating tech companies and requiring them to protect children from dangerous online content and take responsibility for the harm their platforms can cause.

Opponents, however, fear the Kids Online Safety Act would violate the First Amendment and harm vulnerable kids who wouldn’t be able to access information on LGBTQ issues or reproductive rights — although the bill has been revised to address many of those concerns, and major LGBTQ groups have decided to support the proposed legislation.

What would KOSA do?

If passed, the Kids Online Safety Act would create a “duty of care” — a legal term that requires companies to take reasonable steps to prevent harm — for online platforms minors will likely use.

They would have to “prevent and mitigate” harms to children, including bullying and violence; the promotion of suicide, eating disorders, substance abuse and sexual exploitation; and advertisements for illegal products such as narcotics, tobacco or alcohol.

Social media platforms would also have to provide minors with options to protect their information, disable addictive product features, and opt out of personalized algorithmic recommendations. They would also be required to limit other users from communicating with children and limit features that “increase, sustain, or extend the use” of the platform — such as autoplay for videos or platform rewards.

In general, online platforms would have to default to the safest settings possible for accounts it believes belong to minors.

“So many of the harms that young people experience online and on social media are the result of deliberate design choices that these companies make,” said Josh Golin, executive director of Fairplay, a nonprofit working to insulate children from commercialization, marketing and harms from Big Tech.

How would KOSA be enforced?

An earlier version of the bill empowered state attorneys general to enforce KOSA’s “duty of care” provision, but LGBTQ groups and others were concerned that they could use this to censor information about LGBTQ or reproductive issues. In the updated version, state attorneys general can still enforce other provisions but not the “duty of care” standard.

Broader enforcement would fall to the Federal Trade Commission, which would have oversight over what types of content is “harmful” to children.

Who supports KOSA?

The Kids Online Safety Act is supported a broad range of nonprofits, tech accountability and parent groups, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Federation of Teachers, Common Sense Media, Fairplay, The Real Facebook Oversight Board and the NAACP. Some prominent tech companies — including Microsoft, X and Snap — have also signed on. Meta Platforms — which owns Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp — has not come out in firm support or opposition of the bill, although it has said in the past that it supports the regulation of social media.

ParentSOS, a group of some 20 parents who have lost children to harm caused by social media, has also been campaigning for the bill’s passage.
