A recent letter to the editor (“We’re in this together,” Our Readers’ Views, Jan. 5) said the writer was disturbed and knocked off balance while her stomach churned. Ms. Patty Page (great name, by the way) was offended by window decals on two vehicles driving on Mill Plain. One said, “The strongest weapon in the United States is a patriotic American.” The other: “If this flag offends you … I’ll help you pack.”
Ms. Page, the balm for your unfounded worries was there on the Opinion page: a cartoon showing a large bottle of anti-anxiety pills, and a good adjoining column that called for nondivisive rhetoric and mature dialogue. We can be grateful for American patriots and our allies around the world. They have stood up and fought for this country and its citizens, which includes you, Ms. Page. Please do not read any more into it without a basis in fact. I would be willing to wager the operators of the two vehicles were not present in our Capitol on that infamous Jan. 6.