I was reading the article about the lack of public toilets (“No place to go,” The Columbian, Jan. 6) and I really appreciated seeing this issue addressed, not because I’m homeless but because I work as a delivery driver and this issue affects me every day, too.
You probably have heard stories about drivers peeing in bottles and in my opinion as someone who has done that in the past, it’s not an issue of being overworked but more of an issue of lack of public bathrooms. There are many places in the county that I’ve delivered where I could spend my entire break driving around hoping some business will have public restrooms and not being able to find one and waste my entire break. Or I could pull out a bottle which is gross and embarrassing, but is usually what I end up doing.
So basically, lack of access to public restrooms isn’t just a problem that affects homeless people. Thank you for bringing attention to this issue.