I am a school psychologist in Vancouver Public Schools and have worked in school districts in Oregon and Texas. By far, VPS treats their employees the worst. They will move you, without warning, without consent, based on arbitrary numbers and decisions made by people with limited experience.
It’s the good old boy/girl system; if you shut up and do what you’re told, you keep your job. If you try to voice an opinion to improve broken systems, you’re silenced. The needs in our schools are only getting higher, yet we keep admiring the problems so that insecure leadership can keep a job.
This community is worth more. These students deserve better. But we’re stifled by a small number of large egos. I work within the very broken special education department, which supports a sensitive group of people, yet we are always ignored and put last. Please dig into what’s going on in the Washington public school systems. It’s not good, the processes are outdated and we need competent leadership who will leave the ego at the door and focus on what the students, family, and staff members need to thrive, not just survive.