In my 70 years, more than 60 have been interested in national and international politics. Having watched the Nixon-Kennedy TV debate to present, most of the time I knew about issues and where our two primary political parties stood on those items. For the last 10 years, the Republican Party disappeared into a degenerating mishmash of sound bites and fraud.
Perhaps some office holders or candidates can explain to me why the Republican Party refuses to vote financial support for Israel’s military in Gaza? Why does the Republican Party refuse support for Ukraine? Should we maintain our ties with NATO?
What do our Clark County Republicans believe about federal money for the Interstate 5 Bridge project? Do we support infrastructure projects for the good of the community or is Ivermectin good enough to solve the structural issues? Do we believe in vaccinations to prevent the spread of disease or was Europe in the 1200s a good enough model? What about feeding the poor, like Jesus says?
Culturally, should we ban anything Muslim? For example, algebra and Arabic numbers? Perhaps sky charts, nautical compasses and coffee? Perhaps home sewer systems feeding into a city sewer system to rid communities of human waste?
What I know for sure about them is that more guns make us safer, despite the evidence; and that gay and trans people are destroying America.