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Do you have a story? Let’s hear it

Tell us your stories, readers

By Scott Hewitt, Columbian staff writer
Published: August 31, 2024, 6:00am

It’s back-to-school season for kids, and back-to-storytelling season for fans of our “Everybody Has a Story” feature.

“Everybody Has a Story” is the weekly column in which Columbian readers write their own true stories.

What sorts of stories? Nearly anything fits the bill, whether silly or serious, ages ago or just this morning. This summer, we’ve witnessed the fraternity of ironworkers who climb power poles, sampled the challenge of veterinary surgery, made a gruesome discovery in the Willamette River and shared the glory of an unlikely student athlete who inspired others, including his coach.

If you haven’t written a story for us yet, what’s stopping you? Just remember the following guidelines:

  • Your story must be true, and something that happened to you.
  • It must be no longer than 1,000 words. Shorter is better. No epics here.
  • Is it one solid story, with a beginning, middle and ending? (“Once upon a time, this happened and then this happened, and it all ended like this.”)
  • Focus on your personal experience. What were you seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling?
  • Expect a little kindly editing.

Send your stories to neighbors@columbian.com or P.O. Box 180, Vancouver, WA 98666. Call “Everybody Has a Story” editor Scott Hewitt at 360-735-4525 with any questions.
