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Check It Out: In praise of our animal friends

By Jan Johnston
Published: August 24, 2024, 6:10am

With a woof-woof here, and a meow-meow there

Here’s a woof, there’s a meow, everywhere a woof-meow!

Old MacDonald may have had a farm, but did he have a pet dog or cat like 66 percent of U.S. households? I have to thank Forbes for that statistic, and it doesn’t surprise me one bit. People love to share their lives with fur babies, and that includes me and my husband. Our cat boys, Dewey and Leo, who love to romp with each other, keep us highly entertained. And when they get quiet and snuggly with us, well, the cockles of our hearts feel warm and fuzzy.

Sharing our home with animals has been rewarding and a true learning experience. Cats in particular have chameleonlike qualities. Independent, dismissive and proud on one hand; quirky, silly and demanding on the other. Through their behavior we have learned to be patient (for the umpteenth time, you’ve already been fed!); to appreciate basic pleasures (a patch of sunlight on the floor, an empty box); and to go with the mood (back turned means I need a moment to myself, skittering down the hallway with a half-crazed look means, watch out — I’m on the move!). There is no doubt that being a cat parent has made me a better human being.

Today’s reading choices focus on cats and dogs, but rest assured that the library has a variety of pet-friendly titles. If your best friend falls into another category — feathers, scales, hooves, antennas — we have a book for you. No matter the species you care for and love, I hope you will celebrate with me all creatures great and small.

  • “The Cat’s Meow: How Cats Evolved from the Savanna to Your Sofa” by Jonathan B. Losos.
  • “How to Raise a Happy Cat: So They Love You More Than Anyone Else” by Sophie Collins.
  • “The Other Family Doctor: A Veterinarian Explores What Animals Can Teach Us About Love, Life, and Mortality” by Karen Fine.
  • “Our Dogs, Ourselves: The Story of a Singular Bond” by Alexandra Horowitz.
  • “The Particulars of Peter: Dance Lessons, DNA Tests, and Other Excuses to Hang Out with My Perfect Dog” by Kelly Conaboy.
  • “Pets and the City: True Tales of a Manhattan House Call Veterinarian” by Amy Attas.

