Two years ago, The Columbian initiated Community Funded Journalism, carrying articles about issues and people here in Clark County. The reporters have gone inside important and complex issues that affect us all.
A recent front-page article about HART, the Homeless Assistance and Resources Team (The Columbian, Aug. 10), is just the latest example helping all of us better understand homelessness and those working to engage and assist fellow citizens whose lives are filled with turbulence. Every day the HART members, with the assistance of Vancouver Police Department, takes itself to our streets to engage and assist fellow citizens. Its mantra is to build relationships as the first step to helping individuals improve their condition.
Over 30 years in the public schools, I learned that relationships are at the heart of helping kids to learn — to improve their condition. Building relationships is the first step to success. Vancouver is fortunate to have the dedicated team members of HART and officers of the Vancouver Police Department. Kudos to The Columbian and to Community Funded Journalism reporter Alexis Weisend for helping us see that it is through relationships that we strengthen our community.