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News / Opinion / Letters to the Editor

Letter: Letter violates common sense

By Steve Friebel, Vancouver
Published: August 6, 2024, 6:00am

Mr. Schimelpfenig (“Trump will fight for us,” Our Readers’ Views, July 30) assaults our common sense, what we know to be right, ordinary decency, and the truth when he opines what Mr. Trump wants us to fight for:

“God” — Trump doesn’t attend church, admits that he doesn’t pray because he doesn’t need to, and hawks $60 Bibles.

“Family” — He is an adulterer with numerous marriages, an assaulter of women, and provides dating advice that suggests men should just grab women by the genitals.

“Country” — I assume that this has something to do with the military. Trump is the president who said that soldiers buried in France and other places in Europe were “losers” and “suckers.”

Roy wants a Trump T-shirt depicting Trump with “bloodied ear, fist in the air and American flag waving behind.” An easy fix: Google this info and find a ton of these T-shirts for sale. I was especially impressed with the eagle with the bandage on its “bloodied ear.” (You gotta see it to … see it.) Somehow, he equates this image with patriotism. And here I thought that patriotism was a feeling of commitment to a country.

We should be wary of Trump’s efforts as he transforms to a Putin/Xi/Kim Jong-Un/Assad/Orban clone.

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