Today we have a short run of warm and dry weather before we tangle with more rain showers. It will warm well into the 70s today, and when those easterly winds break through, we should inch into the 80s on Friday and Saturday. Beautiful October weather. The resulting high pressure will travel eastward on Sunday, allowing cooler moist air to take over, but still we will enjoy a fair and warm day in the 70s.
Rain returns Monday through midweek at least. Hopefully we continue in this pattern with a few rainy days and yet some lingering nice warm weather. Once October is over, we will be well into the cool and wet season with increasing snow in the mountains.
Next week we will have some “psithurism” in the air as another fall weather system moves inland. That word is one that inspires many writers. It means the sound of wind in the trees and the rustling of leaves. Befitting for October, I’d say.
Of course, El Nino will be the wildcard this winter, so we will have to see how the mountains fare with the snowfall.