Come the holidays, homemade gifts from the kitchen are the ones I like to make and receive. They’re not at all fussy or fancy — spiced nuts in a pretty container, marinated cheeses and herbed biscuits — but they are foods I might find useful during the holidays, too.
In this season of sweets, such savory foods are most likely to be enjoyed right away and not languish at the back of the cupboard or refrigerator, like the garish tin of fruitcake my grandmother gave us each year imported from England. My mother would regift it to our neighbor, who regifted it to the other neighbor next door. It became a running joke along our block.
As I plan, procure, toast and bake, I like to mull over the year, recalling the conversations and moments of joy with friends and family. Plus, there’s a certain efficiency when making big batches of foods that keep nicely. Choosing recipes that are easily doubled and that call for ingredients purchased from the bulk bins of food co-ops saves time as well as money. It makes decisions about what gifts to give who easy and quick: There’s no worrying over sizes or colors — homemade kitchen gifts are always a good fit.
I seldom make everything from scratch; rather, I supplement the basket with a selection of store-bought items that go along with the lot — special charcuterie, bakery breads, artisan crackers, mixed olives, condiments, candied fruit. Given the cost savings, it’s OK to splurge on pretty resealable jars, bright ribbons, hand-woven baskets, carving boards and special boxes to wrap things up.