In the Nov. 18 edition of The Columbian was the front-page article about theft prevention by stores.
Rampant theft is another result of our becoming an ungodly country. There has always been some theft going on by ungodly people that did not pay attention to God’s Ten Commandments, one of which is Thou Shalt Not Steal.
The more ungodly we get the more problems we’ll have. The Bible tell us in Ecclesiastes 8:11, “Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, the hearts of men is fully set in them to do evil.”
All of this clamoring to defund the police and the liberal governments doing so, and not prosecuting crime, is the cause of this theft. The more ungodly we get, throwing God and the Bible out of our lives and our schools, the more problems we’ll have until there is a complete breakdown of civilized society and law and order. God created us and gave us a user’s manual (The Bible) to live by, and He promised to bless us if we live according to it. Because we think we are smarter than God and live contrary to His will and Word, we will have more and more problems.