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News / Opinion / Letters to the Editor

Letter: Editorial needs clarification

By Dawn Sonntag, Olympia
Published: May 28, 2023, 6:00am

Apparently, the authors of “Airport siting speaks to infrastructure concerns” (In Our View, May 23) need some clarification from us forest trolls. ESHB 1791, as signed, takes “new airports” in rural areas off the table. The work group will study expansion of existing airports.

How is poisoning the water sources for Olympia and Tacoma and decimating endangered salmon populations “doing great things”? (Of course, the bottled water, air filter and chemotherapy industries are thirsty for business and eager to offer low-paying jobs.) Aviation transportation causes major global carbon emissions. Why no mention of rail infrastructure? How will fires, floods and water and food shortages impact jobs? And what are the sources for the economic growth forecasts quoted to justify displacing thousands of citizens, destroying the environment they steward?

Brink Lindsey, who “sees the need” for “reducing the veto power” of “activist groups,” is former V.P. of research at the Cato Institute, that beacon of individual liberties (for corporations, that is). Incidentally, unlike industry-paid lobbyists, the “activists” fighting this airport were citizen volunteers. Calling us “NIMBY” is cheap, undemocratic propaganda.

By the way — the Thurston and Pierce sites interfere with military operations. So yes, this is a national issue. I’ll give you that.

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