I have a complaint about the cost of bringing my hard-earned dollars downtown.
I have to drive and pay to park, sometimes multiple times to shop. I don’t have a bicycle. I live in the Minnehaha neighborhood and each bus stop is about half-mile away, making the bus impractical. Because I work weekends, I can’t benefit from the free parking that is offered at that time. I use the Parking Kitty app to pay, but the minimum cost is about 98 cents for 30 minutes. I try to walk to any other businesses I want to visit from there. But, to go further than a mile or so I must park and pay a whole new fee. If I want to meet a friend for coffee or tea, it will cost me an extra $2 or $3 just to park.
I’m on a budget, but do like to patronize small, local businesses. Here are some ideas I have that would help:
1. Create many more bus stops;
2. Create a shuttle for downtown with an all-day pass;
3. Create an all-day parking pass for the downtown core.