The neighborhood of Cedar 49 and the surrounding homes are populated with over 500 families who live within a half-mile of a proposed cement batch facility at 7511 N.E. 101st St. Some of these homes have been there for over 50 years.
If this facility is allowed, all of the people living around the area will be subjected to silica dust, which can and often does lead to silicosis, or hardening of the lungs. Many of the residents are retired after raising their children and are now helping with their grandchildren. They walk their pets, spend time gardening and enjoy the beautiful evergreen trees that grow in the area. There are eagles, hawks, osprey, deer, raccoons and many other wild creatures that will be affected by the noise and light pollution from this facility.
There are three schools within roughly one mile (as the dust flies) of this proposed concrete factory: Glenwood Elementary, Lauren Middle School and Seton Catholic College Preparatory. All of these children will be subjected to dangerous chemicals if this plant is allowed to be built in such close proximity to a well-established residential area. Notify your public servants that this is not what is right for Clark County.