I water my indoor plants about once a week. My friend says I am over watering. How often do you recommend watering indoor plants?
There is no watering schedule that fits all indoor plants. There are several factors which affect the frequency of watering. What kind of soil? How big is the plant in relation to the soil volume? What is the light and temperature situation?
Plants need air as well as water in the soil. Air supplies oxygen for growth and development of the roots. Right after watering all the soil pores are filled with water. The large pores gradually drain or water is taken up by the roots leaving a supply of water in the small pores.
The best way to determine when a plant needs water is to feel the soil. When the soil feels dry on top it is time to water again. If all your indoor plants are watered at the same time when only the driest need water, the others will be overwatered.