Carrie Ross has several errors in her letter (“Follow 10 Commandments,” Our Readers’ Views, Dec. 6). Since she mentions using “the Bible as a history book” I suggest she read actual history books. School shootings happened as far back as the late 1800s; I do believe there was prayer in schools then.
Aside from organized prayer in schools being unconstitutional, let’s be clear: it does nothing to reduce school shootings. Many students are praying — to themselves — in school daily. What isn’t allowed is school-sponsored prayer, whether the prayers are from the Hindu, Muslim, Wiccan, Jewish, Christian or any other religious tradition.
I’m sure Carrie Ross is clear on the 10th Commandment — don’t bear false witness — so I recommend she does read up more on school shootings and all the other crimes that were happening well before school-sponsored prayer was banned.