We grow weary of the warriors for climate. We have real examples available and we do not need the watt-suckers’ fervent campaign to go from clean tailpipe to filthy pipeline campaigns. Most EVs will be fed from the grid; to meet that challenge, climate warriors are touting solar, still a monumental joke to even dent the needs of more than 3 million cars suddenly sucking up to the grid.
Grow up, back off and rethink, based on realistic solutions that can make real differences. Biofuels injected into existing fuels can mitigate and significantly reduce carbon outputs. One of the largest U.S. biodiesel plants was built in Grays Harbor by John Plaza. It was sold to REG, which has merged with Chevron. John Plaza has moved into sustainable aviation fuels, used all over the world (another success story).
Need another climate change story that worked? In the Netherlands their dense railway system is all electric, fueled exclusively by windmills. They have shut down the largest gas field in Europe in Groningen, quietly and with little chest-thumping.
Support real change, not fossil fuel and automakers’ profits. The aim should be hydrogen, bio and solar. Serious climate warriors know this.