There is no getting away from the EV wattsuckers. In their rush to convert everything to their myopic electric vision they are willing to sacrifice their very lives. The ecological damage is being created upstream from their dream machines and new power plants will have to be built. Nobody seems to be concerned about how the watts will be generated.
The big lie, of course, is that every Tesla will nuzzle up to a solar-powered charging station attached to the owner’s home. Reality is starting to seep into the lithium-powered festivities.
There is an eerie silence about using biofuels like biodiesel or ethanol to run the generating plants, probably because somebody will always ask: “Why not just use biodiesel-powered engines and skip the EV two-step?” Airplanes are flying on biodiesel that meets the new Sustainable Air Fuels requirements.
Imagine not having to wait two or three hours to refill every 300 miles? Just pull up to a pump, put in the nozzle and let her rip!