The hypocritical Democratic-controlled so-called sanctuary cities that bloviated about their open cities are now crying about the illegal immigrants showing up in their so-called sanctuary. The mayors in Chicago, New York, and D.C. now are screaming for help again from us taxpayers. As usual, Democrats do not care unless the problem is in their backyard.
Now on about the electric cars. Has anyone in the Biden administration said anything about what would be the value when a person trades in, or sells the electric car to a private party? Why would a car dealer or a private party buy an electric used car with a worn-out battery? The cost could be up to $15,000 or more to replace the battery. Also, your auto-renewable tabs will increase by triple.
Oh, I forgot to mention that the average electric car is now $68,000, plus sales tax of around $5,000. Do the math, liberals.
And when your electric car runs out of electricity, do you walk to the next charging station and fill up your container with electricity?