The Interstate Bridge Replacement Program has spent millions to manufacture public consent for its “Modified Locally Preferred Alternative,” a green-washed copy of the failed Columbia River Crossing. The IBR has exploited equity to promote its locally preferred alternative. The poor will get noise, pollution, and the danger of traversing the steepest (4 percent grade) interstate bridge on balder tires. The IBR has staged a Kabuki theater of citizen advisory groups and produced a score of videos with bureaucrats and young interns touting its locally preferred alternative design. The 1,670 @IBRProgram tweets are full of platitudes, puffery, and jargon, but few facts.
These tweets have received few and negative public comments. Critics have demanded IBR create 3D graphics for the LPA’s bridge, interchanges, and bike/pedestrian ramps. The IBR has not responded.
Unfortunately, local municipalities and agencies have trustingly accepted the IBR’s manufactured consent and approved the LPA. The IBR should stop wasting public money to pervert public opinion, and start answering true public opinion questions.