The general election is still 31 days away, but partisanship is in high gear. Candidates and outside PACs are making claims, counterclaims and telling a few truths and a lot of whoppers.
Our role as journalists is to try to cut through the nonsense and present you with some facts about candidates and races so you can make an informed choice.
We do this two ways: With news stories, and with opinion pieces.
Our goal is to write at least one news story about every competitive local race, reaching out to the candidates and asking them questions. If candidates choose not to respond, we will attempt to glean their positions by analyzing their campaign websites, their social media, statements they made at candidate forums, and the like.
For larger races with more voters, such as state Legislature or Clark County Council, our editorial board will attempt to interview the candidates, usually in a joint interview, and then offer an editorial stating our recommendations. Unlike the news stories, these are opinions, and we expect — and hope, actually — that there will be some disagreement. We want people to disagree and join in the discussion by writing letters to the editor. A robust public debate will lead to better elected officials and better government.