AFFORDABLE HOUSING: As defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, this is any housing that costs an owner or renter no more than 30 percent of gross household income, including utilities.
AREA MEDIAN INCOME: Calculated by HUD annually for different communities. By definition, 50 percent of households within the specified geographic area earn less than the AMI, and 50 percent earn more. AMI is adjusted based on household size and used to determine the eligibility of applicants for federally and locally funded housing programs. Clark County’s area median income in 2021 was $75,253, according to the Vancouver Housing Authority.
LOW-INCOME: Describes households earning at or below 80 percent the area median income ($60,202 in Clark County).
VERY LOW-INCOME: Describes households earning at or below 50 percent of the area median income ($37,626 in Clark County).
EXTREMELY LOW-INCOME: Describes households earning at or below 30 percent of the area median income ($22,575 in Clark County).
HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER (SECTION 8): The federal government’s major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly and people with disabilities to afford housing in the private market. Eligible households may not have income exceeding 50 percent of AMI. Participants are free to choose any housing that meets the requirements of the program.
LOW INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT: The Washington State Housing Finance Commission allocates these credits to for-profit and nonprofit developers to build or rehabilitate low-income housing. Large corporations and financial institutions invest in the housing to gain tax credits and reduce their income tax obligations. Projects funded through this source must serve residents below 60 percent of the area median income and accept Section 8 vouchers.
MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING TAX EXEMPTION: The city of Vancouver’s program allows for an eight- or 12-year tax exemption on the value of newly constructed or rehabbed residential units located in the Vancouver city center or Fourth Plain Corridor area. Developers utilizing the 12-year option must make 20 percent of the project’s units affordable to households earning up to 115 percent of the area’s median income.
PUBLIC HOUSING: A specific category of rental housing for low-income households that is owned and managed by a local public housing agency.
SUBSIDIZED HOUSING: Housing in which a publicly financed incentive is provided in the form of a direct payment, fee waiver or tax relief to the housing developer, property owner or individual renter to create affordable units. Subsidized housing may be publicly or privately owned.
WORKFORCE HOUSING: Housing that is affordable to households earning between 50 percent and 80 percent of the area median income ($37,626 to $60,202 in Clark County). These households do not qualify for rental assistance subsidies, but their incomes are too low for market-rate rents to be affordable.